Thursday, July 20, 2006

Almost Havaianas

Would you believe? And just for 50 pesos?
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Aside from the price, what's really good about these flip-flops is that it's a lot thicker than the real Havaianas. It's also as soft and comfortable on the feet. It's available in a wide range of colors. I plan to get the pink and the brown ones as well. Now why would you spend big bucks on a pair of tsinelas if you can get them this affordable and more durable?


jbinx said...

I got those tsinelas too...but its for 60 pesos(di marunong tumawad)

juOn said...

But you know the folly of the cheap Havanas? I went to UP Los Banos yesterday wearing these, anticipating heavy rains and flood. I thought the tsinelas are perfect for the wet days. And because I had to walk quite a length, the rubber sling on the left tsinelas sored the skin on my feet. Ouch! I had to buy medicated strips to cover it and protect it from the rubber sling. I don't know if the Havaianas are much better but the sore sure does sting.